• system-design

    Snowflake ID: Generating Unique IDs for Distributed Systems

    In modern distributed systems, generating unique IDs is crucial for data consistency and scalability. Snowflake ID is a type of unique identifier that is widely used in distributed systems for generating IDs with high precision, scalability, and availability. In this blog post, we will discuss what Snowflake ID is and how it works, and explore its use cases and benefits.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Exploring HTTP/2 Server Push: An Efficient Way to Speed Up Your Web Applications

    HTTP/2 Server Push is an innovative feature of the HTTP/2 protocol that allows web developers to proactively push resources to clients before they even request them. This feature helps in reducing page loading time and enhancing the overall performance of web applications.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Exploring the Differences Between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3

    As the internet continues to evolve, so does the protocol that powers it - HTTP. HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are two of the latest versions of HTTP, both designed to improve web performance and security. In this article, we'll explore the differences between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 and how they impact the modern web.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    WebSocket: Real-time Communication Made Easy

    Are you tired of relying on traditional HTTP requests for real-time communication in your web applications? Look no further than WebSocket! This powerful protocol allows for two-way communication between a client and server, enabling real-time data transfer without the need for constant requests and responses.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    Understanding Back Pressure in Message Queues: A Guide for Developers

    Are you tired of dealing with message queues that slow down or crash under heavy loads? Back pressure is a common issue that many developers face when working with message queues. But fear not! This guide will explain everything you need to know about back pressure, including how it works, why it's important, and how to master it.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Understanding Message Queues: The Key to Building Reliable and Scalable Systems

    Message queues have become a fundamental part of modern software systems, allowing developers to build distributed, reliable, and scalable applications. In this article, we will explore the concept of message queues, their architecture, and their use cases in both technical and layman terms. Whether you are building a simple application or a complex system, understanding message queues is essential to designing a robust and efficient solution.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Race Conditions: Understanding and Avoiding Them

    Race conditions can cause unpredictable and hard-to-reproduce bugs in software systems. In this article, we'll explain what race conditions are, why they occur, and how you can design your system to avoid them.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    What is a Cache and How Does it Speed Up Your Applications?

    Caching is a powerful technique used by software engineers to speed up their applications. But what exactly is a cache, and how does it work? In this article, we'll dive into the technical details of caching, explain how it can improve the performance of your applications, and provide real-world examples to help you better understand this essential concept.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Understanding Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in Distributed Computing

    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a popular mechanism used in distributed computing to allow programs running on different machines to communicate with each other. This article will explain what RPC is, how it works, and provide real-world examples of its applications.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Understanding Representational State Transfer (REST)

    Learn what Representational State Transfer (REST) is and how it has become the de facto standard for building web APIs today.

    3 min read
  • system-designnetworking

    Demystifying TCP: A Comprehensive Guide to Transmission Control Protocol

    TCP is a fundamental protocol of the internet, and understanding how it works is essential for anyone who wants to know more about networking. In this article, we will demystify TCP and explain how it works in both technical and layman terms.

    3 min read
  • system-designnetworking

    What is UDP and When to Use it? A Comprehensive Guide

    UDP is a lesser-known protocol when compared to TCP, but it plays a vital role in network communication. If you are looking to learn about UDP and its use cases, you have come to the right place. Read on to explore the ins and outs of UDP and when it should be used.

    3 min read
  • system-designdatabase

    Exploring Sharding in Databases: Partitioning Your Data for Better Scalability

    Sharding is a method of breaking up a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces, allowing for greater scalability and performance. This technique involves distributing data across multiple machines, reducing the load on any one server and enabling faster and more efficient queries. In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of sharding and explore how it can be implemented to improve the performance and scalability of your database system.

    4 min read
  • system-designdatabase

    Understanding Federation in Databases: Definition, Types and Use Cases

    Learn about how federated databases enable the efficient management of distributed systems by allowing for seamless data access and sharing across multiple databases and data sources.

    3 min read
  • system-designdatabase

    Exploring Master-Master Replication in Databases: How It Works and Its Benefits

    Master-master replication is a powerful technique that can help you improve the availability and scalability of your database system. But what exactly is master-master replication, and how does it work? In this article, we'll explore the details of this technique, including its benefits and some real-world examples.

    4 min read
  • system-designdatabase

    Master-Slave Replication: Scaling Your Database for High Availability

    As businesses grow, their databases can become overloaded and slow, leading to a poor user experience. To address this issue, database administrators can use a system called master-slave replication, which allows for multiple copies of a database to be distributed across different servers. In this article, we'll explore the concept of master-slave replication, how it works, and why it's important for achieving high availability in your database.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    The Power of a CDN: Delivering Lightning-Fast Content

    Do you want your website to load faster for users all over the world? A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is the solution you've been looking for. This article will explore what a CDN is and how it works to speed up your website, giving you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced online world.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Balancing the Load: Understanding Load Balancers and Their Types

    Dealing with a heavy traffic load on your website or application? Learn about load balancers and how they distribute traffic to keep your online presence running smoothly. Discover the differences between Layer 4 and Layer 7 load balancers and find the right solution for your needs.

    3 min read
  • system-designnetworking

    VPN Explained: Understanding Virtual Private Networks

    Learn about the basic principles and use cases of VPNs, and how they help keep your internet traffic secure and private.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Reverse Proxies: A Beginner's Guide to Unlocking Their Power

    A reverse proxy is an intermediary server that sits between your client and servers, routing client requests to the appropriate server. In this article, we will explain what a reverse proxy is and its benefits, both in technical terms and real-world examples.

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Unlocking the Power of Forward Proxies: Simplified

    Discover what a forward proxy is and how it can be used to enhance network security, increase browsing speed, and more. Get a clear understanding of this powerful technology and its real-world applications.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    Balancing the Tradeoff: Availability vs Consistency

    In the world of computing, a delicate balance must be struck between two important concepts: Availability and Consistency. But what exactly do these terms mean and how do they impact your systems? Read on to find out!

    3 min read
  • system-design

    Latency vs Throughput: Balancing the Two Sides of System Performance

    When it comes to optimizing the performance of a system, two key metrics come into play: latency and throughput. But what exactly are these two metrics, and how do they differ? In this article, we'll explore the definitions and real-world examples of latency and throughput, and show you how to balance them for optimal system performance.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    Performance vs Scalability: Understanding the Key Differences

    Performance and Scalability, two crucial components of any system design, yet often misinterpreted. In this article, we will dive into the technicalities of both concepts and understand the key differences, helping you make informed decisions for your system's success.

    2 min read
  • system-design

    Concurrency vs. Parallelism: Understanding the Key Differences

    Concurrency and parallelism are often used interchangeably, but they refer to distinct concepts in computer science. In this article, we will break down the differences between concurrency and parallelism, explore the benefits and drawbacks of each, and provide real-world examples to help you better understand these concepts.

    3 min read